There seems to be this word-for-the-year bandwagon that many are jumping on these days. I’m leery of most trends but in January of 2015, I hoisted my reluctant hind end up on to this particular bandwagon and never looked back.
By choosing a specific word, I’ve been encouraged to look ahead to each year with intention, to assess the direction of my life pursuits, and to focus on specific areas where God is often nudging me to explore more deeply. I’ve found this process to be sobering and uncomfortable but like any meaningful endeavor, it also has its rewards: clarity, growth, and healing, to name a few.
My word for 2017 is faithful. Nothing too exciting or flashy but my life is pretty ordinary. For me, faithful speaks of commitment, consistency, dependability, a slow-and-steady-wins-the-race kind of perspective. That’s what I need right now in this season of life and I want to be faithful to the whoms and the whats in front of me.
Here’s how my word looks these days:
- Faithful in my journey with Jesus by regularly meditating on His Truth.
- Faithful to my mind by exploring art, music, and literature that broaden my worldview, challenge my thinking, strengthen my faith, and offer a healthy, more balanced perspective on life’s issues.
- Faithful to my body by filling it with good, nutritious food that fuels me. (I have no current plans to give up coffee but I’ve cut back on the levels.)
- Faithful to my work by writing 500 words daily (eek!) and finding creative ways to better serve you, my dear readers.
- Faithful to my spouse and kiddos by filling our home with laughter (cue the hilarious jokes and bodily noises), forgiveness (giving & receiving), sweet memories (more family lip sync contests, please), and new adventures (trips to D.C and the beach).
- Faithful to my community by learning the names of each neighbor on our block and taking a treat to each of them this year. (I’ll try not to consume said treats. See #3.)
Faithful is not a fancy word but it’s perfect for me as I’m finding the mundane to be the main thread woven through the fabric of my days.
What is your word for 2017? Please share and encourage a fellow reader!
ALSO: This week I’m offering a book giveaway! If you complete the contact form at the end of this post, your name will be entered in the drawing. If you complete the form AND share your word for 2017 on the blog (not just on FB) between today Wednesday (2/1) and Friday (2/3) your name will be entered TWICE in the drawing. I will announce the winner on Friday at noon. If your name is chosen, I will personally contact you and send the book of your choice directly to you!
You’re so awesome Katie!
Noelle–I know how much you like books, my friend! What is one that you’re reading now that you can’t put down? Gosh, it’d be fun to connect in person so we could talk literature & coffee & camping! One of these days, our kids must meet!
My word for this year is anchor. I need Jesus to be the anchor of my soul. If I allow Him to be, despite circumstances (worries about money, parenting my tantrum throwing 5 year old, trying to find community, etc) my soul will be steady and still experience hope and peace. That is my desperate prayer.
Having grown up close to the beach and having been an east-coaster for most of my adult life, the word anchor is chock-full of meaning for me, Gretchen. Your reasons for choosing this word brought me to tears, dear friend. I’ll be praying that you’ll find Jesus to be the anchor for your soul, as you navigate this vast ocean of parenting, finding community, and financial uncertainty. And if you ever need a get-away, our door is always open.
❤ this Katie. Like you I have not jumped on the word-of-the-year either. But my word for this year is BELIEVE.
Melanie, a beautiful word for my beautiful sister. I’m choosing to believe with you–to believe that God has good in mind for you, that His promises are true, and that after so many stormy seasons in your life, the sun will soon shine. Love you~
Laughter. Our word is Laughter. Giggles and silly moments and big belly laughs that leave you breathless. Laughing instead of worrying. Finding Joy each day no matter how tired, weary, or stressed.
Also, trips to DC? I might know some people who know their way around that city fairly well. Zoo trip with some kiddos and babies? I can see that being insane. And awesome.
Love that word, Maddie! So perfect for you and your family, especially after such a difficult year with your sweet little man. And um, yeah, let’s get a date on the calendar for a spring trip to the zoo! It’ll be loud and wild with our six littles together–we’ll fit right in!
Love your word…. My word for 2017 is Patience.
I posted above about it but it disappeared. It was a long one too.
Trust is a big word for me this year! Learning to let God guide and knowing that he’ll take me where I am supposed to be.