Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

To kick off my favorite month (hello changing leaves, apple cider, and cooler weather!), I’m offering a book review and GIVEAWAY of the wonderful, full-color book, Extraordinary.
What Extraordinary is NOT:
- A book that hails adoptive families as heroes
- A book that hails adoptive families as spiritually elite
- A book that dismisses the challenges of adoption and disability
What Extraordinary IS:
- A compilation of 13 stories of Down syndrome adoption, written by adoptive parents
- A celebration of “Yes!” to Down syndrome adoption
- A resource for those in the adoption circuit, both international and domestic
- A humble nod to the courageous birth families who entrusted their children to another
- A peek into the challenges of adopting and raising children with disabilities
- A call to affirm the truth that kids with disabilities are made in the image of God and worthy of life, compassionate care, and a loving family
- A gentle invitation for readers to consider their role in caring for kids with disabilities
People who would benefit from reading Extraordinary:
- Potential adoptive parents
- Adoptive parents
- Parents who have not adopted
- Couples
- Singles
- Geneticists and OB/GYN professionals
- Adoption organizations/agencies/professionals
- Disability professionals, particularly those who identify as followers of Jesus
- Basically any human
Extraordinary makes a wonderful gift, too, especially for new parents who’ve adopted a child with Down syndrome.
The best part about the book? ALL royalties go toward Open Heart for Orphans, an organization that provides a “Say Yes” grant to families adopting a child with Down syndrome. You may not be able to adopt or foster or sponsor a child but this is one way you can help care for those in need of a family.
For those of you on Instagram (I’m @katecarper), I’m hosting an Extraordinary giveaway that starts today, Wednesday 10/2 and ends Friday 10/4. Contest ends Friday at 5 pm with the winner announced and contacted Friday evening.
You can pre-order this gem at www.extraordinarybook.com. It’s best to order through the website, in order for the full amount to go toward Open Hearts for Orphans.
Extraordinary releases October 15, 2019.
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